Talks and presentations

Relocation in the Face of Rising Seas: The Florida Keys Post-Hurricane Irma

July 21, 2021

Virtual Poster Presentation, The 46th Annual Natural Hazards Research & Applications Workshop, Virtual

The thematic analysis of the case study (i.e., interviews, participant obsevations and review of secondary sources) conducted in the Florida Keys in the post-Hurricane Irma period. A recorded talk can be found here.

Conducting Systematic Literature Reviews

June 01, 2020

Webinar Presentation, Florida International University Public Policy and Administration Webinar, Virtual

A webinar on database search, document review based on PRISMA method and analysis by using softwares (e.g., Zotero, Mendeley).

To Respond or Not to Respond?

November 01, 2018

Conference Presentation, Sustainability and Development Conference University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA

The review of interdisciplinary literature on public sector response to sea level rise